Take a look to these 2 books from the web site ISSUU :
- www.issuu.com/josemdbg/docs/build_your_own_electric_motorcycle
- Title : Build Your Own Electric Motorcycle (TAB Green Guru Guides)
- Author : Carl Vogel
- A step-by-step guide to building an electric motorcycle from the ground up
- Written by alternative fuel expert Carl Vogel, this hands-on guide gives you the latest technical information and easy-to-follow instructions for building a two-wheeled electric vehicle--from a streamlined scooter to a full-sized motorcycle.
- Link : www.amazon.com/Build-Electric-Motorcycle-Green-Guides/

- http://issuu.com/dokumentacija/docs/electricvehicle
- Title : Build Your Own Electric Vehicle
- Author : Seth Leitman and Bob Brant
- Link : www.amazon.com/Build-Your-Electric-Vehicle-Third-Edition/
- Web : buildyourownelectricvehicle.wordpress.com